Weight Management
What are Weight Management Plans?
Taking the first step to lose weight and improve your health is one of the hardest steps to take. I provide personalised weight management plans that can help each individual achieve their goals, improve their health, social life and get the physique they have always wanted. A specific meal plan, exercise regime, and a renewed approach are what my plans include. Remember, no two people are the same, realising this and seeking advice is the first step to a better quality of life.
Benefits of Weight Management Plans?
Enhances physical appearance
Improved blood sugar levels
Less depression
Improved thinking and memory
Decreased risk of diabetes
Improved cholesterol levels
Decreased risk of certain cancers
Live longer
Renew confidence
Lowered blood pressure
Decreased risk of heart disease
Improved mobility
Decreased joint pain
(07) 5596 8400
Consultations & Fees
*All consultations are spent exclusively with Dr. Sue Raju. Full price list.
Pacific Pines Town Centre, 1 Pitcairn Way, Pacific Pines, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4211.
Together, let's start the journey to a better quality of life.
Don't compromise, make a change.
Your personal journey to a better quality of life starts with you. Renew your mind, feel vibrant and energised and enjoy a healthy, carefree, balanced lifestyle.